
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Cereal without Malt Extract

Malt extract (麦芽エキス) - this is an ingredient that I'd never ever paid attention to, until I heard that it is commonly used in cereals. Malt extract is most of the time made of barley. Although according to Coeliac UK, "(p)roducts containing barley malt extract in low levels that meet the Codex standard can be tolerated by most people with coeliac disease", we have no idea if Japanese products meet this standard. And why not avoid it if we can.

So far we found this cereal from Nippon Food Manufacturer, or more commonly called Nissshoku. This "Premium Corn Flake, Premium Plain (日食プレミアムコーンフレーク 最上質プレーン)" is made of organic corn, organic sugar, and salt. According to the product website, it could contain trace of wheat as it is manufactured in same factory.

Be careful that other flavors (white chocolate, strawberry etc.) of the same series do contain malt extract. (See photo on the left.)

A box of this cereal costs about 300 - 400 yen (3 to 4 USD). So far I think I've been finding this brand at somewhat higher-end supermarkets, like the ones in department stores. However it looks like you can easily order them online as well.

Happy gluten free breakfast :)

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